Friday, October 14, 2011

And Down the Stretch They Come!

It certainly feels like we are rounding that final corner and with just three games and in some cases two games remaining for most of the area teams, conference automatic bids are at stake and reaching the four win playoff qualification plateau is in the forefront for a number of teams.  Every Friday night during the fall is a great one to get out and watch a football game, but with the weather appearing to move even more into those 40's and 50's and with teams angling for a top three conference finish - tonight is guaranteed to be a great night for Football Friday.

In the following capsules (this post and others to follow), we'll briefly hit on the 4A conferences around the area and talk playoff implications for this evening's games.


Check out our post from earlier concerning Person and Jordan [Tonight is a Playoff Night in the PAC-6].

Hillside with a win will secure a top three finish as they'll move to four wins in conference (assuming everyone else holds serve...).  A Riverside loss will drop them out of playoff contention as they'll have only two games remaining on the schedule and not be able to reach the 3-3 mark in conference that could be open for a third place automatic berth.

Southern Durham, needs a win in their final two against either East or Northern, assuming other teams in conference hold serve in order to secure a top three finish (important we say hold serve, because if others don't, then four wins in conference may not be enough!).  If both Southern and Hillside win this evening, they'll be three teams in the PAC-6 with four conference wins, with Northern slated to close out the season against the other two.

For East, they may have the most interesting situation of the evening.  With only two wins, but both conference wins, and still three conference games to play against, Southern, Hillside and Person, they have the opportunity to potentially find themselves as high as first in the PAC-6 to as low as not even being considered for the playoffs.  If the Wildcats could run the table, they'd end with five reportable wins and be 5-1 in conference play.  Southern would be unable to reach five conference wins in this scenario, so at worst, the Wildcats would be the third place finisher.  Depending on how the Hillside and Northern season ended up, they could find themselves in the top slot!

Yes, if Southern were to defeat Northern, and Northern were to defeat Hillside to close out the year.  Then the Wildcats would be 5-1, Northern would be 5-1 and Hillside would be 5-1.  Southern would be 4-2 and pushed to an at-large bid, while a random draw would establish the order between the 5-1 squads as they all beat one another.  Crazy stuff!  We'll know a lot more after tonight.

Odds and Ends

Tonight is a Playoff Night in the PAC-6  [Link to Article]
Playoff Update - Only 94 Remain   [Link to Article]
the Work Week Quarterback (WWQB) - Thoughts and Notes   [Link to Article]
Talking Playoffs and Conference Winning Percentages   [Link to Article]
When Does 4 Wins Not Equal 4 Wins?   [Link to Article]
Multiple Endowments, Oh My!   [Link to Article]

Photographs courtesy of (The News & Observer)

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