Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As if there isn't already enough on the table!

A sneak peek at some stories just on the horizon.

The DurhamFBFan PAC-6 Power Rankings - Why not!  There are polls and such all over the place, why not join the mania of it all.  I've been known to have a bit of knowledge in the world of Excel and Matlab, so with the tools at my disposal I thought I would have a little fun to see how my personal thoughts on the teams in the PAC-6 compare to some raw numbers that mixed and matched (with some logic) to give us the rankings.   Look for those by the end of the week going into the big Dudley and Hillside game Friday evening.

Teams I've seen and how they rank - I've seen a few more teams since my last story so I'll add to that list and see if my perception has changed after seeing at least one of the teams a second time.

Does bankruptcy for Schutt mean future bankruptcy for innovation? - With news recently of the primary competitor to Riddell in the football gear and helmet industry being hit with a $29 million dollar verdict for potential patent infringement, one has to ask how does this affect the industry and more importantly future innovation in concussion protection/avoidance?  Competition has always been a positive for innovation, so without it, does it mean that the current state will be the future, let's hope not.  With a significant push from the NFL to take head injuries and concussions seriously, the landscape, Schutt or not, appears to be heavily geared toward making the game safer and the equipment that is used more effective.

And who knows, we may have a few more stories we're working on, but we'll hold off on those for moment.

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